We've all heard the catchy phrase on social media, but what IS IT?

Key Points
Possible causes include Postpartum PTSD, Postpartum Depression, and Burnout
Burnout is much more common cause of "mom rage"
We've all heard it: Mom Rage. Whether it's on Facebook, Insta or TikTok, "mom rage" has take the internet by storm.
It's the witching hour: 6pm. You just worked a full day and are drained,
picked the kids up from day care/school, and are starting dinner for
everyone. Kids are running around, jumping on couches, bumps and
bruises occur with each passing second.
All you want is a few minutes of quiet to collect yourself before finishing
the evening.
Your oldest is yanking on your shirt to get your attention "Mom,
Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom" while you're other is demanding
your attention to help find a lost toy. The final straw is your husband
walking in the door asking whats for dinner while he enters the
Feeling overhwlemed, hot, and unable to think straight you yell for
everyone to leave you alone.
"What's your problem?" Husband says from the bathroom before you
stomp away, tears stinging your eyes as you wonder why no one
understands why you're so upset and why no one is helping you.
Does this scene sound familiar? Feeling overwhelmed, overstimulated and like there's not enough of you to go around? The guilt, and shame that accompanies these scenes after an outburst of wanting to be left alone. This is a common occurrence and can happened for several reasons, the first being
Postpartum PTSD. If you had a traumatic pregnancy/labor or birth, feeling angry and resentful is a common symptoms. While the term "Trauma" gets tossed around a lot lately you likely will know it when you see it, when it comes to birth. These can be anything from high-risk pregnancies, pre-eclampsia, emergency c-sections, unexpected birth trauma for you or baby, and infant loss. the list can go-on and on, if you have any questions about postpartum PTSD, please reach out for support!
Postpartum Depression. PPD, or sometimes just know as "postpartum" this is certainly the most well-known perinatal mood disorder. Feeling down, depressed and angry are common with this particular diagnosis. If you're experiencing thoughts of death about yourself or your children this may indicate Postpartum Psychosis and requires immediate attention by both a therapist and medical doctor, contact your OB/Primary doctor right away!
Burnout. This is not a medical diagnosis, but in my experience is the most common reason for "Mom Rage." When I say "burnout" I'm talking about stretching yourself too thin, setting poor boundaries with yourself/your family, and in general not taking care of yourself as you should. With burnout, it will take time to feel more energized, less aggressive and increase overall patience with your family but is absolutely possible! We have a tendency to put ourself last as mothers but this is vitally important!If you've even been on a plane you know that YOU HAVE TO PUT YOUR MASK ON FIRST BEFORE YOUR CHILDS. Not because our children aren't important but because we can't take care of them, if we have nothing to give.
If this sounds familiar please reach out, ALL of these are treatable!
This blog is meant as informative and is not meant to treat or diagnosis.