As moms, the journey of motherhood is sprinkled with uncertainties, expectations, and yes, mom-guilt - that ever-present companion in our quest to be the best moms we can be. Join me in unraveling the tangled web of emotions that often cloud our parenting journey and explore together how we can overcome the notorious mom guilt and embrace the sheer joy of bringing up our little ones.
From the moment we become mothers, we are bombarded with societal expectations, media (social and otherwise) portrayals, and often unattainable standards that set the stage for the infamous mom guilt to sweep in. Whether it's about choosing between work and family time, the never-ending laundry pile, or the occasional indulgence in self-care, guilt has a way of creeping in and casting shadows on even the brightest moments.
None of us are perfect. Perfection is an illusion that only serves to intensify our feelings of inadequacy as moms. Instead of striving for perfection, let's celebrate our imperfections! Embracing our flaws and understanding that it’s okay to have bad days, skip baths, or serve cereal for dinner can be liberating. Remember, our children don't need perfect, Good enough parenting is GOOD ENOUGH.
Strategies to Combat Mom Guilt
1. Practicing Self-Compassion and TURN OFF SOCIAL MEDIA
One of the most powerful antidotes to mom guilt is self-compassion, but what does that mean? And how to we do it? For started, please turn off social media . Even the best influences showing your "real" side of mother is selling you their version and we will never be exactly same parents because we have different personality, spouses, and children.
Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer a close friend. Acknowledge your efforts, celebrate your wins, and forgive your mistakes.
You're doing an incredible job, mama!
2. Setting Realistic Expectations
Creating a balance between what we expect from ourselves and what is realistically achievable is key to keeping mom guilt at bay. Again, think of what you would tell a friend, or expect from them as a parent. When in doubt, set the bar low and keep hitting those goals. If you set too lofty of goals, and can't make it the first time, your self esteem will suffer and we have tendency to quit. Prioritize your well-being and mental health, and learn to say no to things that drain your energy without guilt.
3. Building a Support System
Surround yourself with a supportive network of fellow moms, friends, or family members who understand the highs and lows of motherhood. Sharing experiences, seeking advice, and receiving validation can create a sense of solidarity and lessen the weight of mom guilt. No mom's in human history have been able to do this alone, so don't think that you need to.
4. Mindful Parenting
Practice being present in the moment with your child. Engage in activities that bring you joy together, put away distractions (I'm looking at you with he phone in your hand reading this article), and savor the simple, mundane moments that make up the tapestry of motherhood-go for a walk together, complete a puzzle with older kiddos, or eat without the distraction of the T.V. Being mindful allows you to connect deeply with your child and alleviate feelings of guilt.
Embracing the Joy of Parenting
Mom guilt isn't a bad thing. It signals to us that we care and want to be good mothers, perhaps not wanting perpetuate behaviors from our own childhood. The irony is that we fear we are terrible mom's, but a truly terrible mom would not feel any mom-guilt.
By acknowledging and addressing our mom guilt, we pave the way to embracing the pure joy that is inherent in the experience of motherhood. Every giggle, every shared story, every cuddle is a reminder of the profound love that fuels our journey as mothers.
Let's redefine motherhood not as a battleground of guilt and self-doubt, but as a beautiful journey of growth, love, and resilience. We are good enough. Together, let's overcome mom guilt and savor the moments that transform us into the incredible mothers we are destined to be.
Let's journey hand in hand, supporting and empowering each other through the highs and lows of motherhood. Remember, you are not alone, and your worth as a mother is immeasurable. Here's to embracing imperfection, finding joy in chaos, and rewriting our story with love and compassion.
With love, Your fellow mom on a mission to redefine motherhood
P.S. How many times did I say 'Mom' and has it lost all meaning at this point for you too? Cheers Moms!